Lakeside Life Groups for 2025

For more information, contact Life Groups Pastor – Chuck Simpson at 478-279-3547


Women's Wellness
Cindy Simpson
Meets: 1st and 3rd Saturdays; 1000am
Location: Lakeside sanctuary
Description: Bible devotions and exercise. Bring your own water bottle, etc. Wear comfortable clothing and good walking shoes.


The Breakfast Club
Chuck Simpson
Meets: 2nd and 4th Sundays; 900am - 945am
Location: Lakeside children's church
Description: Bible devotion and breakfast


Host: Peggy Jessup
Meets: TBA Saturdays; 500pm - 700pm
Location: Lakeside children's church
Description: Bunco game and food


Lakeside Grazers
Tom and Amanda McElrath
Meets: 15th of each month; 700pm
Location: Restaurants to be announced, various
Description: Meet at the restaurant for food and fellowship.  Each person will pay for their own meal.


Secret Sisters
Hosts: Peggy Jessup
Meets: Various
Location: Various
Description: Secret Sister small group; not your mama’s secret sister program


New to the Faith
Host: Brandon Roland
Meets: First Wednesday night of each month for 4 nights; 700pm – 800pm
Location: Lakeside TBD
Description: Discuss topics related to Bible, Prayer; what it means to follow Jesus, and who is the church.


Coffee and Ramps 
Gary Wesely
Meets: TBD
Location: Lakeside TBD
Description: Coffee, fellowship and wheelchair ramp building


Legacy Builders
Gary and Sue Wesely
Meets: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays; 900am
Location: Lakeside children's church
Description: Fellowship and food for 55 yr. and up


Young Adults
Brandon Roland
Meets: Sunday nights; 600pm
Location: Lakeside TBD; various
Description: Fellowship, topics related to Bible, Prayer; Jesus, etc. for college age (18-25 yr.)


Women's Bible Study
: Lynn Davies
Meets: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays; 600pm – 800pm
Location: Lakeside sanctuary
Description: Bible study.


Men's Bible Study
Ron White
Meets: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays; 600pm – 800pm
Location: Gary Wesely’s home
Description: Bible study. 


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